Frequently Asked Questions About Michigan Concealed Carry Classes

Below are answers to the most common questions we get about obtaining a Michigan Concealed Carry Permit

Do I have to be a Michigan resident to Apply?


Do I have to be a US Citizen to apply?

Citizen or Lawfully Admitted Alien

How long do I have to live in Michigan to qualify as a resident?

6 Months (Waived under certain emergency circumstances as prescribed by law, or as deemed necessary by County Sheriff. Also if new resident in possession of a valid CPL from another state at the time residency in Michigan is established)

What is the Application Fee for the Michigan permit?

The standard application fee for the Michigan Concealed Handgun Permit is $100.

What is the Renewal Fee?


Will I be notified when my permit is going to expire?

Yes, approx. 3-6 months prior to expiration.

How long does it take to get the permit after my application has been submitted?

Max 45 days after application, however I believe it is usually closer to 2 weeks at the moment.

What is the complete process to obtain the permit?

Here you can read our guide: Process overview for obtaining a Michigan Concealed Carry Permit

What is Your Refund Policy? What If I Can’t Attend the Class I Signed Up For?

We will refund students when unable to attend a class they have prepaid for. We ask for prepayment only to have a reliable count of how many students are coming. This has become necessary because we fill most of our classes to capacity. Our full refund policy can be see here.

Are Permit Holders Required to Notify Law Enforcement When Confronted?

Yes, only when armed

Can Private Property Owners Prohibit Firearms on Their Property?

Yes, but does not have to be via a posted sign.

How long is the class?

8 hours including range instruction

Do I have to shoot a firearm for this class?

Range Time firing of a weapon is required for this permit. More details are available in the class description (click on one of the classes on our calendar).

How Often Do I Have to Renew My Permit?

Every 5 years. Renewal application must be submitted at least 6 months prior to expiration, or up to one year after expiration. After a year, the student will be required to take another class as required by law.

Do I have to have / bring my own gun?

No, if you don’t have a handgun to use during the class you can borrow one from the instructor but arrangements need to be made prior to the course and there may be an incremental cost.

Do Ex-Military Have to Take a Class?


What forms of payment will accept for the course?

Cash, check, or credit card (Visa, or MasterCard). We prefer if you prepay online but should you feel uncomfortable you can call us to make other arrangements. (Phone number above)